יום חמישי, 23 ביולי 2009

חיימק'ה אחרי האישפוז בבית החולים הדסה עין כרם:

4 תגובות:

  1. this is only proof that the police have and thats why they have only leaked this out to the media

    the police know that they have a very poor case that why they pushed it now off for another week

    the only weapon what the police have now is threatening that the will be a case what every person in the country will be shocked this is a very unprofessional comment and it shows signs
    of weakens

  2. to my opinion this proofs you that this child was on some scary treatment

  3. this is how a child with cancer looks after he's bin treated with chemotherapy

  4. no it is'nt, there's practicaly no real connection between starvation and chemotherapy...

    look at his feeble arms and legs, drugs cannot do this.


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